Help in English

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How to search documents?

  1. Choose a search filter(s):
  • Document title
  • Metadata type
  • Document owner
  • Spatial data provider
  • Profile
  • Category of resource
  • Actual
  • Approval status
  • Publication method
  • Protocol Type
  • Date
  • Group access level
  • Organization access level
  • Search group
  • Folder
  • Document UUID
  • Site UUID

2. Click on the button „Search“.


How to create geoproduct? #

In the result window click the button „Create GeoProduct“ .


How to review document's metadata? #

In the result window click the button „View Metada“ .


How to download a document? #

In the result window click the button „Download“  .


How to edit metadata document? #

In the result window click the button „Edit metadata using editor“ .


How to delete the document? #

In the result window click the button „Delete“ .


How to restric access groups and organizations to documents? #

  1. In the result window click the button „Display document permissions“ .
  2. In the column „Permissions“ select groups and organizations, which will be able to use the selected document.
  3. Click on the button „Save“.


How to create other profile document? #

In the result window click the button „Create other profile“ .


How to delete link between documents? #

In the result window click the button „Delete link between documents“ .


How to find linked documents? #

In the result window click the button „Display linked documents“ .


How to review service URL checking history? #

In the result window click the button „Service URL checking history“ .


How to synchronize content from network resource? #

  1. In the result window click the button „Synchronize content“ .
  2. In the warning message „Continue with synchronization of the selected resources?“ click on the button „OK“.


How to cancel synchronize content from network resource? #

  1. In the result window click the button „Cancel synchronization“ .
  2. In the warning message „Cancel synchronization of the selected resources?“ click on the button „OK“.


How to find documents, which was acquired from network resource? #

In the result window click the button „Show documents acquired from this repository“ .


How to review the network resource synchronization history? #

In the result window click the button „History“ .


How to change documents status? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which status do you want to change.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ select status (set as posted, set as approve, set as incomplete, set as disapproved, set as reviewed).
  3. Click on the button „Execute action“.


How to change the owner of documents? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which owner do you want to change.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Transfer ownership“.
  3. In the field „New owner“ choose the owner.
  4. Click on the button „Execute action“.


How to move documents into the other folder? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which do you want move into the other folder?
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Move to folder“.
  3. In the field „New owner“ choose the folder.
  4. Click on the button „Execute action“.


How to change document's relevance? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which relevance do you want to change.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Set actual“ or „Set not actual“.
  3. Click on the button „Execute action“.


How to set documents published / not published into INSPIRE search? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which do you want to set published / not published into INSPIRE search.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Add public INSPIRE status in search“ or „Remove public INSPIRE status in search“.
  3. Click on the button „Execute action“.


How to add comments to documents? #

  1. In the result window select documents, to which do you want to add comments.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Comment metadata resource“.
  3. In the field „Comment“ type notes.
  4. Click on the button "Execute action".


How to move documents into the search group? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which do you want move into other search group.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose "Move to search group".
  3. In the field „Search group“ choose the group.
  4. Click on the button "Execute action".


How to link two documents? #

  1. In the result window select 2 documents, which profiles are different, but metadata type are the same.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Set link between documents“.
  3. Click on the button "Execute action". 


How to change the document's profile? #

  1. In the result window select the same profile documents.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Change profile".
  3. In the field „Change to profile“ choose the other profile.
  4. Click on the button "Execute action".


How to check documents URL availability? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which do you want check URL availability.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Check URL availability".
  3. Click on the button "Execute action".


How to delete at the same time a few documents? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which do you want to delete.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose „Delete“.
  3. Click on the button "Execute action". 


How to restrict access more than 1 document? #

  1. In the result window select documents, which do you want to restrict access.
  2. In the field „For selected records“ choose "Set access level".
  3. In the column "Permission"  select groups and organizations, which will be able to use selected documents.
  4. Click on the button "Execute action".
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