Help in English

Folders administration

How to create a new folder? #

  1. In the field „Please, input name of folder“ write folder name.
  2. Click the button „Save“.

How to remove a folder? #

  1. In the result window click the button „Delete“ .
  2. In the warning message click the button „OK“.

How to change folder's name? #

In the result window click the button „Rename“ .

How to find folder's documents? #

In the result window click the button „Find folder documents“ .

How to restrict folder's documents access? #

If do you want restrict 1 folder:

  1. In the result window click the button „Display folder permission“ .
  2. In the column „Permissions“ select groups and organizations, which will be able to use selected folder.
  3. Click the button „Save“.

 If do you want restrict more than 1 folder:

  1. In the result window select folders, which do you want to restrict access.
  2. In the column „Permissions“ select groups and organizations, which will be able to use selected folders.
  3. Click the button „Save“.
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