Help in English
Folders administration
How to create a new folder? #
- In the field „Please, input name of folder“ write folder name.
- Click the button „Save“.
How to remove a folder? #
- In the result window click the button „Delete“ .
- In the warning message click the button „OK“.
How to change folder's name? #
In the result window click the button „Rename“ .
How to find folder's documents? #
In the result window click the button „Find folder documents“ .
How to restrict folder's documents access? #
If do you want restrict 1 folder:
- In the result window click the button „Display folder permission“ .
- In the column „Permissions“ select groups and organizations, which will be able to use selected folder.
- Click the button „Save“.
If do you want restrict more than 1 folder:
- In the result window select folders, which do you want to restrict access.
- In the column „Permissions“ select groups and organizations, which will be able to use selected folders.
- Click the button „Save“.
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